Hey hey!!!! I'm Capella or Wolfgang (you already know that though..) and I have no preference in between either names I use! I'm 15, and nonbinary & aroace. I am... *gulps*... autistic.. (I KNOW.. so lame). Also. If you're from Twitter. MY @ IS A JOKE. I AM NBLM. IT IS A JOKE I PROMISE YOU. I AM NOT UNIRONICALLY ENSTARSYAOl. PLEASE
Extra section for friends :3

ByfBecause I'm autistic, this will heavily affect how I interact and speak with you. However, I don't bite!! feel free to dm me whenever (I might be a little awkward though convos aren't my forte..). I will not tag my interests usually, but if we're close shoot me a dm!Dni
Proshipper, edtwt, shtwt, fujoshi, fit into any basic dni criteria

Enstars, FE3H, CSM, Gakkou Gurashi, Hypmic, Houseki no Kuni, Castle Crashers, Milgram, YTTD, JJBA, Madness Combat
Keito Hasumi, Hiiro Amagi, Kuro Kiryu, Souma Kanzaki, Arashi Narukami, Rinne Amagi Claude Von Riegan, Lorenz Gloucester, Doppo Kannonzaka, Kuko Harai, Phosphophyllite, Padparadscha, Fuuta Kajiyama, Keiji Shinogi, Joe Tazuna, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, & Rohan Kishibe

Alkaid, Angel (loser), Karasi, Cyan, Mikey, Marí, Keon, Azul, Ian, Dennis, Dan, JoJo (loser), Edward, Viktor, Crow, Yume, & Solace!!